What is Bio-Diesel?
Bio-Diesel is a diesel fuel substitute produced from renewable sources such as vegetable oils, animal fats, and recycled cooking oils. Chemically, it is defined as the mono alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from renewable lipid sources. Bio-Diesel is typically produced through the reaction of a vegetable oil or animal fat with methanol or ethanol in the presence of a catalyst to yield glycerin and Bio-Diesel (chemically called methyl or ethyl esters). Bio-Diesel can be used in need form, or blended with petroleum diesel for use in diesel engines. its physical and chemical properties as it relates to operation of diesel engines are similar to petroleum based diesel fuel. Non-Hazardous, Biodegradable.

The process:
The process of converting vegetable oil into Bio-Diesel fuel is called Transesterification and is luckily less complex then it sounds.
Chemically, Transesterification means taking a triglyceride molecule, or a complex fatty acid, neutralizing the free fatty acids, removing the glycerin, and creating an alcohol ester. This is accomplished by mixing methanol with sodium hydroxide to make sodium methoxide. This liquid is then mixed into the vegetable oil. After the mixture has settled, Glycerin is left on the bottom and methyl esters, or biodiesel is left on top and is washed and filtered. The final product Bio-Diesel fuel, when used directly in a Diesel Engine will burn up to 75% cleaner then mineral oil Diesel fuel.

Advantage of Bio-Diesel:
- It is renewable.
- It is energy efficient.
- It displaces petroleum derived diesel fuel.
- It can be used in most diesel equipment with no or only minor modifications.
- It can reduce global warming gas emissions.
- It can reduce tailpipe emissions, including air toxics.
- It is nontoxic, biodegradable, and suitable for sensitive environments.It is made from either agricultural or recycled resources.

1. Plantation:
The energy plant, Jatropha Curcas Linn is a drought-resistant perennial, growing well in marginal/poor-soil. It is very suitable to establish in Cambodia, and grows relatively quickly, producing seeds for 60 years. Depending on soil quality and rainfall, oil can be extracted from the Jatropha nuts aftr two or three years. The kernels consist of oil to about 40%-60%; this can be transformed into biodiesel fuel through esterification.
The oil can be combusted as fuel without being refined. It burns with clear smoke-free flame, tested successfully as fuel for simple diesel engine. We being the promoter and producer of Jatropha Curcas Linn have proud of developing quality planting material.

Characteristics of Jatropha as detailed below:
- Seed weight about 1500-1900 seeds per Kg
- Needs minimal input or management.
- Starts yielding from the second or third year onwards and continues for 60 years.
- Can survive long periods of drought
- Propagation is easy.
Extracted oil are used as: Bio-Diesel, Varnishes, Illuminants, Soap, Pest control and Medicinal for skin diseases.

2. Manufacture:
Cambodia Bio-Tech Development Co., Ltd. is a renewable energy company focusing on Bio-Diesel researching, manufacturing, and marketing. That company has a strong R&D center. The leading product is Bio-Diesel, a renewable, non-fossil fuel alternative to mineral diesel. It is produced from a variety of oils including used vegetable oils such as Jatropha in origin. Compared with mineral diesel, Bio-Diesel burns more efficiently and discharges less carbon monoxide than fossil diesel. With the implementation of its development strategy, the Company will be able to constantly expand its Bio-Diesel production capacity.
As a kind of recycling and green-clean fuel, Bio-Diesel can be widely used in automobiles, gas engines, and power plants. Our Bio-Diesel can be burned in diesel engines and also be used as an additive with diesel with any proportion. Compared to other fossil diesel oil, the Bio-Diesel has the advantages as follows:
1. Recycling, alleviating the dependence on the fossil-diesel oils
2. Burning more efficiently in the gas engine. Emission of particulates, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides has been obviously reduced
3. Improving the ignition ability, which bring higher engine efficiency and the enduranceFlash point of Bio-Diesel is much higher than the fossil-diesel’s, which has the very good preservation and transportation security